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DA16, Welling, Kent

DA16 is a suburban town located in the borough of Bexley in Kent. It is a popular residential area with a variety of amenities and great transport links to Central London.

The town centre is bustling with shops, cafes, restaurants and bars to explore. There are plenty of parks and green spaces to enjoy, such as Lesnes Abbey Woods, Danson Park and Bostall Woods, making it an ideal place for families.

The area is well-connected with excellent transport links, including the A20 and the South Eastern railway, making commuting to London easy.

Welling is a great place to live, with plenty of amenities and a good selection of schools. The area is also home to many historic sites, such as the remains of the Roman villa at Welling Corner, and the Grade I listed Welling Court.

Whether you’re looking for a lively town centre or a peaceful suburban lifestyle, DA16 provides the perfect balance for families and professionals alike.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in DA16, Welling, Kent: £475,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in DA16, Welling, Kent: £237,500

  • Detached house for sale in DA16, Welling, Kent: £475,000

  • Terraced house for sale in DA16, Welling, Kent: £475,000