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DA (Postcode Area), Dartford

Postcode area DA is a geographical region covering several London boroughs and parts of Kent, Essex, and Surrey. It is a popular area, with a mix of urban and suburban areas, with cities like Dartford and Bexleyheath, as well as quieter rural villages.

The area has plenty of green spaces and parks, including the picturesque Danson Park and the North Downs Way National Trail. There are plenty of leisure activities to enjoy, such as golf courses, cycling routes, and water sports. The area has great transport links, with several train stations and airports nearby.

For those looking for the best places to live in the area, Dartford, Bexleyheath, and Erith are all popular residential areas. These towns offer plenty of amenities, from local shops and restaurants to supermarkets and leisure centres. There are also good schools in the area, making it a great place for families.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in DA (Postcode Area), Dartford: £350,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in DA (Postcode Area), Dartford: £250,000

  • Terraced house for sale in DA (Postcode Area), Dartford: £329,950

  • Detached house for sale in DA (Postcode Area), Dartford: £600,000