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Whitstable, Kent

Whitstable is a delightful seaside town in Kent, England. It's a unique and historic community, with a thriving tourist industry and a wide variety of activities and attractions. From its picturesque harbor, to its quaint cobblestone streets, Whitstable is a beautiful and welcoming place to visit.

There are some excellent places to live in Whitstable, with a range of properties to suit different budgets and lifestyles. The town center is home to a variety of independent shops, restaurants and pubs, with plenty of activities to enjoy. The seafront offers stunning views of the English Channel, and there are several sandy beaches for swimming, sunbathing and beach sports.

Whitstable is also a great location for outdoor activities such as cycling and walking, with plenty of countryside and coastal paths to explore. There are also sailing clubs, golf courses and tennis courts, plus a wide range of parks and gardens. Whitstable is also home to several festivals and events throughout the year.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Whitstable, Kent: £425,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Whitstable, Kent: £447,499

  • Detached house for sale in Whitstable, Kent: £662,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Whitstable, Kent: £425,000