Selling your home?

West Heath, Erith, Kent

West Heath is a vibrant and well-connected community located in Erith, Kent. With an array of shops, restaurants, bars and other amenities on offer, there's plenty for residents to enjoy. With excellent transport links to London and beyond, West Heath is a great place for commuters and families alike.

The area is renowned for its leafy green spaces, with plenty of parks and open spaces for residents to enjoy. West Heath is also well-regarded for its excellent schools, with a range of primary and secondary options available.

For those looking to live in a safe and friendly neighbourhood, West Heath is an ideal choice. With its well-maintained streets and strong sense of community, it’s a great place to call home. With its excellent transport links, local amenities and green spaces, it's one of the best places to live in Kent.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in West Heath, Erith, Kent: £255,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in West Heath, Erith, Kent: £230,000

  • Terraced house for sale in West Heath, Erith, Kent: £350,000