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Well Hill, Orpington, Kent

Well Hill is a charming, rural village in Orpington, Kent. It is surrounded by rolling hills and lush meadows, creating a beautiful and peaceful setting. The village is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, pubs, and other amenities, as well as a vibrant community of friendly locals. It is a great place to live for families, retirees, and young professionals, thanks to its easy access to London, its excellent transport links, and its excellent schools. Well Hill boasts some of the best pubs in the area, including the famous 'Halfway House', and is close to many parks and recreational areas, making it an ideal spot for leisure activities. It is also home to an array of arts and entertainment, with festivals and concerts held throughout the year. Well Hill is the perfect place to call home, with its tranquil atmosphere and friendly locals.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Well Hill, Orpington, Kent: £500,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Well Hill, Orpington, Kent: £375,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Well Hill, Orpington, Kent: £514,975

  • Detached house for sale in Well Hill, Orpington, Kent: £432,500