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Upper Luton, Chatham, Kent

Upper Luton is a small village located in the heart of Chatham, Kent. This charming area is well known for its beautiful countryside views and its quaint yet vibrant village atmosphere. With easy access to the M2 motorway, Upper Luton is a great spot for commuters.

The village boasts a range of amenities including a post office, a local store, and a pub. Upper Luton also has a variety of activities on offer, such as tennis and golf clubs, and a popular local theatre.

For those looking to live in Upper Luton, the village has a range of properties available, from traditional cottages to modern apartments. The area is also known for its excellent schools and a strong sense of community.

With its peaceful atmosphere and rural charm, Upper Luton is an ideal place to live for those looking for something a little different. It is a great spot for families, couples, and commuters alike, and is sure to provide a wonderful quality of life.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Upper Luton, Chatham, Kent: £222,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Upper Luton, Chatham, Kent: £162,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Upper Luton, Chatham, Kent: £210,000

  • Detached house for sale in Upper Luton, Chatham, Kent: £360,000