Selling your home?

Twenties, Margate, Kent

Twenties, Margate, Kent is a vibrant and bustling seaside town full of culture and charm. With stunning views of the English Channel, sandy beaches, and a lively nightlife, it's no wonder why so many people come to visit and stay. For those looking to settle down in Twenties, there are plenty of quaint neighborhoods to choose from. From the trendy beachside area of Cliftonville to the more traditional and cozy streets of Westbrook, there is something to suit everyone's tastes. With easy access to the nearby towns of Ramsgate and Broadstairs, it's easy to explore the local attractions and amenities. With excellent schools, parks, shopping, and restaurants, Twenties is an ideal place to call home.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Twenties, Margate, Kent: £267,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Twenties, Margate, Kent: £229,975

  • Detached house for sale in Twenties, Margate, Kent: £525,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Twenties, Margate, Kent: £289,750