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Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent

Tankerton is a charming and picturesque town in Whitstable, Kent, located within the Canterbury district. Its unique seafront location and stunning views of the North Sea make it a desirable place to live for those who enjoy outdoor activities and stunning scenery. The town centre has a variety of independent shops and eateries, as well as traditional fish and chip shops and a bustling weekend market. The beach is a popular spot for families, with plenty of sand, rock pools, and activities. Tankerton is also home to a marina, which provides access to the nearby fishing and sailing activities. The town is well connected to London, with a direct train service to London Victoria taking just over an hour. With its laid-back atmosphere, stunning views, and proximity to the city, Tankerton is an ideal place to live for those looking for a quiet and peaceful lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £450,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £433,333

  • Detached house for sale in Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £725,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £319,998