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Swanley, Kent

Swanley is a small town in the Sevenoaks district of Kent, England. It is situated just off the M25 motorway and is within easy reach of London and the south east of England. The area has a wide range of amenities, including several parks, a leisure centre and a library. The town has several shops, pubs and restaurants as well as a weekly market. It also has excellent transport links via its railway station, which offers regular services to London and beyond.

In terms of places to live, Swanley is a great option. There are a variety of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional homes. The area also has a number of parks and green spaces, providing plenty of outdoor activities and relaxation. The town is well connected to other parts of Kent, making it an ideal base for exploring the area. With its excellent transport links, Swanley is an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the best of both worlds – city life and countryside living.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Swanley, Kent: £405,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Swanley, Kent: £230,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Swanley, Kent: £335,000

  • Detached house for sale in Swanley, Kent: £737,500