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Studd Hill, Herne Bay, Kent

Studd Hill in Herne Bay is an up-and-coming area of Kent. It is an attractive residential neighbourhood with easy access to the nearby town centre. There are a number of quality housing developments, with a range of styles, sizes and prices to suit all budgets and requirements. The area is well served by schools, shops, restaurants, parks and other amenities. It also has great transport links to London, Canterbury and Whitstable. Studd Hill is a great place to live thanks to its close proximity to the beach, with stunning views across the bay. There are also numerous leisure activities to be enjoyed such as cycling, golf and sailing. With its desirable location and selection of properties, Studd Hill is an ideal place to live for families, commuters and those looking for an idyllic coastal lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Studd Hill, Herne Bay, Kent: £377,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Studd Hill, Herne Bay, Kent: £217,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Studd Hill, Herne Bay, Kent: £285,000

  • Detached house for sale in Studd Hill, Herne Bay, Kent: £515,000