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South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent

South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent is an idyllic coastal village located in the North East of Kent. It is a popular destination for tourists, who come to experience the stunning views of the sea and the surrounding countryside. It's a quaint village with a lovely selection of shops, pubs and restaurants, as well as a beautiful beach and plenty of activities to enjoy.

South Tankerton is a great place to live, with a relaxed atmosphere and friendly neighbours. There is a variety of housing options, whether you're looking for a traditional family home or a modern apartment. The area also offers excellent transport links to nearby towns, cities and London.

The nearby beach is perfect for swimming and sunbathing, and there are plenty of outdoor activities to choose from, such as fishing, walking, cycling and golf. There are also some great places to eat, with a selection of traditional fish and chip shops, cafes and pubs.

Overall, South Tankerton is a fantastic place to live with plenty of things to do and see, making it one of the best places in Whitstable, Kent.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £545,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £254,750

  • Detached house for sale in South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £700,000

  • Terraced house for sale in South Tankerton, Whitstable, Kent: £279,995