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Sole Street, Cobham, Gravesend, Kent

Sole Street in Cobham, Gravesend, Kent is a beautiful village filled with quaint English charm. The streets are lined with traditional Tudor style houses that date back centuries, with many of them having been refurbished over the years. The village is home to a range of independent shops and eateries, including a post office, pubs, and a village store. There are also a few small parks and green spaces, as well as a picturesque lake. The nearby village of Luddesdown is also popular with visitors. The area has good transport links into London, making it an ideal location for commuters. For those looking for a peaceful place to live, Sole Street is the perfect spot.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Sole Street, Cobham, Gravesend, Kent: £725,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Sole Street, Cobham, Gravesend, Kent: £850,000