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Skeet Hill, Orpington, Kent

Skeet Hill in Orpington, Kent, is a highly desirable residential area, with a great selection of properties, parks and local amenities. Located close to the centre of Orpington, Skeet Hill is within easy reach of excellent shopping, restaurants, and leisure facilities. The area is also well-connected to London, with a direct rail connection from Orpington station to the capital.

Skeet Hill is a pleasant, green area, with a range of residential streets, some lined with trees and some with views over green spaces. The area has a number of parks and open spaces, including a popular local nature reserve. There are also good local schools and amenities, making it a great place to live for families.

Overall, Skeet Hill is a great place to live, with plenty of green spaces, a good selection of properties, and excellent transport links. It is a desirable residential area with a village-like atmosphere and a strong sense of community.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Skeet Hill, Orpington, Kent: £445,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Skeet Hill, Orpington, Kent: £225,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Skeet Hill, Orpington, Kent: £425,000