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Rough Common, Canterbury, Kent

Rough Common is a village located in the south east of England. It is located in the county of Kent, just outside the city of Canterbury. It is home to a population of approximately 2,500 people. The village has a small village centre and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. It is a great place to live if you are looking for a quiet and peaceful rural life.

The village centre has a few shops, a pub and a post office. There are several small parks in the area, which are perfect for taking a leisurely stroll. There are also some excellent schools in the area and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as walking, cycling and horse riding.

The surrounding countryside is beautiful and is a great place to get away from it all. There are some great local pubs and restaurants, which are perfect for a relaxing evening out. There are also some great local attractions such as Leeds Castle, which is a great day out.

Overall, Rough Common is a wonderful place to live, with a friendly and welcoming community. If you are looking for a rural village life, then this is the perfect place for you.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Rough Common, Canterbury, Kent: £425,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Rough Common, Canterbury, Kent: £250,000

  • Detached house for sale in Rough Common, Canterbury, Kent: £597,500