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Ripper's Cross, Ashford, Kent

Ripper's Cross is a beautiful village located in the town of Ashford, Kent. It is a small but vibrant community, with a rich history and plenty of interesting attractions. The village itself is quaint with narrow cobbled streets and charming architecture, while nearby you'll find plenty of independent shops and restaurants. The surrounding countryside is stunning, making it an ideal spot for outdoor activities. There are excellent transport links to London and the rest of Kent, making it a great place to live. Local schools are of a high standard and there are several parks and open spaces nearby. Ripper's Cross is a great place to live for families, couples and young professionals alike. With its laid-back atmosphere and stunning countryside, it is the perfect place to call home.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Ripper's Cross, Ashford, Kent: £500,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Ripper's Cross, Ashford, Kent: £210,000

  • Detached house for sale in Ripper's Cross, Ashford, Kent: £699,000