- Description: Two Bedroom ground floor flat located close to Stanley Park. This property comprises of lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and shared yard. UPVC double glazed and gas central heating. EPC Rating D
Porch: Vestibule
Hall: Radiator, storage and carpet.
Lounge: Approx 16'4" x 15'7" UPVC double glazed bay window to front, radiator, electric fire on hearth and laminate flooring.
Kitchen: 13'7" x 9'7" UPVC double glazed window and door to side, range of wall and base units with fitted worktops. Eye level gas oven and grill with hob with extractor over, inset stainless steel sink unit and drainer, plumbed for washing machine, boiler and vinyl flooring.
Bedroom One: 12'2" x 12'1" UPVC double glazed window to side, radiator, open shelving and wardrobe.
Bedroom Two: 11'7" x 8'9" UPVC double glazed window to side, radiator and carpet.
Bathroom: 4'29 x 3'8" shower cubicle with electric shower, pedestal hand basin, low flush WC, UPVC cladded tiled flooring.
Exterior: Shared garden.
Council tax: Band A
These particulars are intended only as a guide to prospective tenants to enable them to decide whether to make further enquiries with a view to taking up a tenancy but they are otherwise not intended to be relied upon in any way or for any purpose whatsoever and accordingly neither their accuracy nor the continued availability of the property is in any way guaranteed and they are furnished on the express understanding that neither the agent nor the landlord are to be or become under any liability or claim in respect of their content. In the event of the agents or the landlord supplying any further information or expressing any opinion to a prospective tenant, whether verbal or in writing, such information or expression of opinion must be treated as given on the same basis as these particulars.. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - .