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Ramsden, Orpington, Kent

The historic town of Ramsden, Orpington, Kent, is a great place to live. With its quaint, cobbled streets and Georgian architecture, it is a beautiful area to call home. The nearby parks and green open spaces are perfect for relaxing and walks in the summer, while the nearby shopping centers offer a wide range of shops, restaurants, and other amenities. The town is well connected to the rest of Kent with regular public transport services, and is conveniently located for those who need to commute to London. With its charming atmosphere, great amenities and easy access to the rest of the county, Ramsden is one of the best places to live in Kent.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Ramsden, Orpington, Kent: £445,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Ramsden, Orpington, Kent: £225,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Ramsden, Orpington, Kent: £425,000