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Poverest, Orpington, Kent

Poverest is a small suburban town in Orpington, Kent, located south east of London. This charming community is a great place to live, with an easy commute to the city and plenty of things to do. The town offers a variety of housing choices, from quaint cottages to newly built homes, as well as an abundance of green spaces. The local amenities are excellent; Poverest has a range of shops, restaurants, and pubs, and there are many leisure activities to enjoy. The town also has excellent transport links, with a direct rail line to London and the nearby M25 motorway. Poverest is a great place to live for those who want to enjoy the benefits of suburban living with easy access to London.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Poverest, Orpington, Kent: £500,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Poverest, Orpington, Kent: £295,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Poverest, Orpington, Kent: £397,500