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Petham, Canterbury, Kent

Petham is a small village in the county of Kent, located just 4 miles from the city of Canterbury. It has a population of around 1,300 people, and is a peaceful, picturesque village surrounded by rolling hills and farmland. The village is home to a 13th century church, with a graveyard, and a village green. The local pub, The Crown, is popular with locals, and has a beer garden for sunny days.

Petham is a great place to live, with easy access to Canterbury, and great transport links for commuting to London. It is surrounded by countryside, and is close to many of Kent’s historic attractions. There is a primary school, and plenty of shops and amenities. The village is home to a variety of housing types, from modern new builds to traditional farmhouses and cottages. Petham is a great place to live, with a friendly community and plenty of local attractions.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Petham, Canterbury, Kent: £225,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Petham, Canterbury, Kent: £825,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Petham, Canterbury, Kent: £190,000