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Park Langley, Beckenham, Kent

Park Langley, in the borough of Beckenham, Kent, is a residential area that offers plenty for those looking to live in a safe and peaceful environment. With a range of large detached houses, as well as smaller terrace homes, it has something to suit all budgets. The area is particularly well-known for its excellent schools and educational facilities, and its ideal location between the city of London and the sea.

The area is surrounded by parks and green spaces, with the Langley Park at its centre. It is a perfect place for outdoor activities and to enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside. For those looking for more urban activities, there are plenty of shops, cafes, and restaurants to explore.

Park Langley is an ideal place to live for those looking for a safe and quiet residential area, with plenty of amenities and a range of great schools nearby.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Park Langley, Beckenham, Kent: £825,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Park Langley, Beckenham, Kent: £525,000

  • Detached house for sale in Park Langley, Beckenham, Kent: £1,700,000