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Orpington, Kent

Orpington is a tranquil and picturesque town in the county of Kent, located just 18 miles from Central London. It is a popular commuter town, boasting excellent transportation links to the capital. A range of housing can be found in Orpington, from traditional terraced houses to modern apartments, ideal for first time buyers or those looking to downsize.

The town is well known for its characterful high street, with a variety of independent shops, cafes, and restaurants. Other attractions include the popular Priory Gardens, a popular spot for families, and the historic St Mary Cray church.

The best places to live in Orpington are the residential areas of Chelsfield, Petts Wood and St Mary Cray, which are popular for their spacious homes and good schools. The surrounding countryside and parks also provide ample opportunity for outdoor recreation. With its combination of excellent amenities, easy access to London, and quiet residential areas, Orpington is an ideal place to live.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Orpington, Kent: £525,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Orpington, Kent: £235,417

  • Detached house for sale in Orpington, Kent: £875,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Orpington, Kent: £412,500