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Orchard Business Centre, Maidstone, Kent

The Orchard Business Centre in Maidstone, Kent is a vibrant and modern business hub, offering a range of services for entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses. The centre is easily accessible with an on-site car park, and has excellent public transport links. Located in the heart of the town, the centre is surrounded by an array of shops, restaurants and other amenities, making it the ideal place to work.

For those looking for a place to live, Maidstone has some excellent options, including the nearby St. Marys and North Street districts, both of which are within easy walking distance of the Orchard Business Centre. Here, you'll find a range of attractive homes to suit all budgets, as well as excellent local schools and leisure facilities. With its lively atmosphere and convenient location, Maidstone is the perfect place to live and work.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Orchard Business Centre, Maidstone, Kent: £350,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Orchard Business Centre, Maidstone, Kent: £133,750

  • Terraced house for sale in Orchard Business Centre, Maidstone, Kent: £297,500

  • Detached house for sale in Orchard Business Centre, Maidstone, Kent: £462,500