Selling your home?

New House, Gravesend, Kent

New House, Gravesend, Kent is a vibrant and lively area that’s ideal for families and couples alike. Situated near the Thames Estuary and close to Gravesend town centre, New House is a desirable place to live with a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants. It has good transportation links with the railway station just a few minutes walk away, while the nearby motorway provides easy access to London and the South East. The area is home to some of the best schools in the area, providing a range of educational opportunities for all ages. With its beautiful parks and green spaces, New House offers a peaceful and tranquil living environment. Its modern apartments provide luxury and convenience, making it the perfect place to call home. It’s a great location for socialising and entertaining, with plenty of local pubs, bars, and clubs providing a lively nightlife. New House is one of the best places to live in Gravesend, offering a unique combination of modern convenience and traditional charm.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in New House, Gravesend, Kent: £350,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in New House, Gravesend, Kent: £180,000

  • Detached house for sale in New House, Gravesend, Kent: £475,000

  • Terraced house for sale in New House, Gravesend, Kent: £315,000