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New Beckenham, Beckenham, Kent

New Beckenham is a popular residential area in Beckenham, Kent, located to the north of Lewisham and South East London. It is well connected to the rest of the capital by train, with regular services to London Bridge, Charing Cross and Cannon Street. The area has a variety of restaurants, bars and shops, and is particularly known for its excellent parks, including Hayes Common and Jubilee Country Park. It is also home to a number of independent schools, making it a great place for families. The surrounding area is full of green spaces, with plenty of cycling and walking paths, and the beautiful Beckenham Place Park is within walking distance. The best places to live in New Beckenham are close to Beckenham Junction station, in the quieter streets near the parks and on the leafy residential roads.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in New Beckenham, Beckenham, Kent: £397,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in New Beckenham, Beckenham, Kent: £382,475

  • Terraced house for sale in New Beckenham, Beckenham, Kent: £600,000

  • Detached house for sale in New Beckenham, Beckenham, Kent: £575,000