Selling your home?

ME19, West Malling, Kent

ME19, West Malling, Kent is the perfect place to live for those looking for a safe, relaxing and picturesque location. Situated in the heart of the Kent countryside and just a short drive away from London, this charming village offers a range of amenities, including excellent schools, shops, restaurants, pubs and leisure facilities.

The village is a great place for families to settle down, as there is plenty to keep children entertained. West Malling Park is a beautiful open space, with a playground, picnic area and many pathways for walking, jogging, cycling and more. The local tennis and cricket clubs offer great opportunities for those looking to get active.

The area also boasts some of the best transport links in the county, with train and bus services running frequently. Whether you’re looking for a quiet rural location, or a more vibrant urban lifestyle, ME19, West Malling, Kent has it all.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in ME19, West Malling, Kent: £500,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in ME19, West Malling, Kent: £223,475

  • Terraced house for sale in ME19, West Malling, Kent: £365,000

  • Detached house for sale in ME19, West Malling, Kent: £637,500