Selling your home?

Lower Camden, Chislehurst, Kent

Lower Camden in Chislehurst, Kent, is a vibrant community with something to offer everyone. Located just 12 miles southeast of London, it has a charming village feel with traditional pubs, independent shops, and local parks. There are excellent schooling, transport links, and amenities available, making it a popular choice for families and young professionals alike.

The local area has plenty of green spaces, including Chislehurst Common and the picturesque Petts Wood, perfect for long walks and picnics. Summer days can be spent at the nearby Chislehurst Golf Club, and the historic Camden Place is a great place to explore. With its wealth of culture, award-winning restaurants, and easy access to the city, Lower Camden is one of the best places to live in the area.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Lower Camden, Chislehurst, Kent: £262,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Lower Camden, Chislehurst, Kent: £85,000

  • Detached house for sale in Lower Camden, Chislehurst, Kent: £517,500