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Locksbottom, Orpington, Kent

Locksbottom, Orpington, Kent is a vibrant area with a strong sense of community. The area is popular with families, as there are plenty of good schools and local amenities nearby. The landscape is varied, with plenty of green spaces including Jubilee Country Park and nearby woods. There are also several local shops, pubs and restaurants to explore. For commuters, there are several train stations nearby including Orpington Station, providing easy access to London. The area also offers good access to the M25, making it ideal for those looking to commute. Locksbottom is a great area to live, with plenty of outdoor activities and a good selection of quality housing. For those looking to live close to nature, the nearby golf clubs and country clubs are great options.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Locksbottom, Orpington, Kent: £740,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Locksbottom, Orpington, Kent: £682,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Locksbottom, Orpington, Kent: £479,950