Selling your home?

Kingswood, Maidstone, Kent

Kingswood is a vibrant and diverse suburb of Maidstone, Kent. It is located just north of the town centre and is within easy reach of London, which makes it an ideal place to live. The area is home to a range of different types of housing, from large detached houses to terraced homes and apartments. The local amenities include supermarkets, shops, pubs, restaurants and leisure facilities. Kingswood is also close to the beautiful Mote Park, which is great for walking, cycling and other outdoor activities. The area has excellent transport links, with the M20 motorway close by and a number of bus routes running through the town. Overall, Kingswood is a great place to live, with a friendly community and plenty of things to do.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Kingswood, Maidstone, Kent: £360,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Kingswood, Maidstone, Kent: £425,000