Selling your home?

Kings Farm, Gravesend, Kent

Kings Farm in Gravesend, Kent is a vibrant and desirable neighbourhood in the heart of the town. It offers a wide range of housing options, from stylish new builds to traditional homes, ensuring that there is something to suit every budget and lifestyle. With excellent transport links, it is perfect for commuters, while local amenities include supermarkets, shops, cafes and a leisure centre.

The nearby town centre is a vibrant hub of activity, with a mix of independent shops, restaurants and bars. The area is also well served by parks and green spaces, with King's Farm Country Park offering a range of activities and trails. There is something for everyone, from young families to those looking to enjoy a quiet and peaceful lifestyle.

Kings Farm is an ideal place to live for those looking for a convenient and connected lifestyle in a friendly and welcoming community.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Kings Farm, Gravesend, Kent: £230,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Kings Farm, Gravesend, Kent: £154,167

  • Terraced house for sale in Kings Farm, Gravesend, Kent: £345,000

  • Detached house for sale in Kings Farm, Gravesend, Kent: £875,000