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Keston, Kent

Keston is a small village located in the borough of Bromley in Kent, England. It is a quiet, rural area with plenty of green fields and countryside to explore, yet it is close enough to London for a day trip. The village is close to a number of shopping centres, leisure facilities, and excellent transport links.

The best places to live in Keston are the village centre, with its quaint shops and pubs, and the surrounding countryside. The village has many parks, nature reserves, and interesting walks and cycle routes. The local schools and libraries are excellent, and the village has a friendly atmosphere.

For those looking for a quiet and picturesque village environment, but still within easy reach of London, Keston is the perfect spot.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Keston, Kent: £600,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Keston, Kent: £462,500

  • Detached house for sale in Keston, Kent: £625,000