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Greenhithe, Kent

Greenhithe is a picturesque town located in the county of Kent, England. It is nestled along the south bank of the River Thames and offers stunning views of the river and the surrounding countryside. Greenhithe is a great place to live for people who want to be near the city but still enjoy the tranquillity of the countryside. The town centre is full of independent shops, restaurants, and cafes, and the nearby Bluewater Shopping Centre offers an even wider selection. The local area is renowned for its excellent schools and transport links, and there are plenty of leisure activities to enjoy, including walking, cycling, sailing, and golf. The village of Stone also offers pleasant walks along the river and a great pub. Overall, Greenhithe is an ideal place to live for anyone looking for a quiet, rural setting with easy access to city amenities.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Greenhithe, Kent: £315,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Greenhithe, Kent: £218,125

  • Terraced house for sale in Greenhithe, Kent: £325,000

  • Detached house for sale in Greenhithe, Kent: £497,475