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Gillingham, Kent

Gillingham is a town in Kent, located in the south-east of England. It is known for its great transport links, with the train station providing easy access to London and other towns and cities. It is also home to a number of historic buildings, such as the Grade I listed Gillingham Town Hall.

The town has a range of excellent amenities, from shops and restaurants to parks and leisure facilities. Gillingham is also home to two universities, the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University, making it an attractive place to live for students.

The best places to live in Gillingham are the areas of Rainham, Hempstead and Walderslade. These areas are close to the town centre and have good schools, as well as good transport links. Rainham, in particular, is popular with families, thanks to its good shopping and entertainment options.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Gillingham, Kent: £300,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Gillingham, Kent: £183,333

  • Detached house for sale in Gillingham, Kent: £450,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Gillingham, Kent: £260,000