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Froghole, Edenbridge, Kent

Froghole is a small village situated in the borough of Edenbridge, Kent. It is located in a rural setting and offers a tranquil atmosphere surrounded by open fields, rolling hills and rivers. The village is located close to the M25 and other major transport links, making it an ideal location for commuters.

Froghole also offers a range of amenities including a convenience store, post office, two pubs, a primary school and a church. There are plenty of outdoor activities available nearby, including walking, cycling and horse-riding.

The village is well known for its picturesque views and it is the perfect place for families to live, with plenty of green spaces, a good selection of local schools and a friendly community. There are also a number of good restaurants and pubs in the village, making it a great place to socialise.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Froghole, Edenbridge, Kent: £499,975

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Froghole, Edenbridge, Kent: £287,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Froghole, Edenbridge, Kent: £365,000

  • Detached house for sale in Froghole, Edenbridge, Kent: £650,000