Selling your home?

Farthing Corner, Gillingham, Kent

Farthing Corner is a vibrant, family-friendly suburb of Gillingham, Kent. It's a great place to live, with plenty of amenities nearby. The area is home to a range of shops, restaurants, pubs, and cafés, as well as a leisure centre and a golf course. The local schools are rated highly, with a good choice of primary and secondary options. The area is well connected to the rest of Kent, with easy access to the motorway network and public transport. Housing is varied, with a range of property types and sizes, so there is something to suit most budgets. The streets are lined with trees and the green spaces are well maintained. Farthing Corner is a great place to call home.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Farthing Corner, Gillingham, Kent: £300,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Farthing Corner, Gillingham, Kent: £150,000

  • Detached house for sale in Farthing Corner, Gillingham, Kent: £437,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Farthing Corner, Gillingham, Kent: £280,000