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CT3, Canterbury, Kent

Canterbury is a city located in Kent, England, and is known for its rich history and diverse attractions. It is home to the University of Kent, Canterbury Cathedral, and a variety of museums and galleries. The city has a vibrant nightlife, with pubs, clubs, and restaurants to explore. The city centre is bustling with shops, cafes, and boutiques, as well as plenty of green spaces to relax in.

Canterbury is an excellent place to live, with a range of residential areas to choose from. St Dunstan's and Barton Court are the most popular neighbourhoods, offering a variety of townhouses and detached homes. These areas are in close proximity to the city centre, providing easy access to all the amenities. The Westgate area is a great choice for those seeking a more rural living experience, with excellent views of the surrounding countryside.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in CT3, Canterbury, Kent: £400,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in CT3, Canterbury, Kent: £96,498

  • Detached house for sale in CT3, Canterbury, Kent: £700,000

  • Terraced house for sale in CT3, Canterbury, Kent: £300,000