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CT2, Canterbury, Kent

Canterbury is a historic city located in the county of Kent in the South East of England. The city is famous for its ancient cathedral, which is one of the oldest churches in England and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city provides a great mix of history and culture with many attractions including the Canterbury Tales, the Roman Museum, and the Westgate Gardens, which are all a must-see.

Canterbury is an excellent place to live, with a wide range of housing options from traditional terraced houses to modern developments. The city is a great choice for families, with plenty of amenities including numerous schools and parks. There is a thriving arts scene, with galleries, theatres and music venues, and a great selection of shops, pubs, and restaurants. The city is also well connected via the M2 and M20 motorways, and the high-speed rail link to London.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in CT2, Canterbury, Kent: £325,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in CT2, Canterbury, Kent: £170,000

  • Terraced house for sale in CT2, Canterbury, Kent: £267,500

  • Detached house for sale in CT2, Canterbury, Kent: £550,000