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Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent

Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent is a popular industrial estate that is situated in the heart of Maidstone. It is home to a variety of businesses and services, including a variety of factories, warehouses and distribution centres. The industrial estate is a great place to work and live, as it is close to public transport, supermarkets, restaurants and leisure centres.

The estate has a wide range of housing options, from one-bedroom flats to larger family homes. It is a great area to live if you want to be close to the city centre, as it is only a short walk away. The area also has plenty of parks and green spaces to enjoy.

For those who are looking for a more rural setting, there are some wonderful villages and towns nearby. The nearby villages of East Farleigh and Yalding are particularly popular, as they offer a tranquil atmosphere with beautiful views.

For those who are looking for a bit more excitement, the city of Maidstone has plenty of entertainment and nightlife to enjoy. With its many pubs, bars and clubs, there is something for everyone.

Overall, Boxmend Industrial Estate is an ideal place to live and work, with a variety of housing options and plenty of amenities

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent: £387,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent: £150,000

  • Detached house for sale in Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent: £525,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Boxmend Industrial Estate, Maidstone, Kent: £300,000