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Bishopstone, Herne Bay, Kent

Bishopstone is a quaint village in the Herne Bay district of Kent. With its picturesque village green and historic buildings, it is a popular place to live and visit. The village is surrounded by beautiful countryside and sits close to the sea, making it perfect for outdoor activities such as walking, cycling and horse riding.

The village itself is well serviced by local amenities, including a village shop, pub, church, and post office. There are also two primary schools, making it ideal for young families.

The nearby town of Herne Bay also offers a range of attractions, from its picturesque harbour to the vibrant nightlife.

For those looking for a rural lifestyle, Bishopstone is the perfect location. It is close enough to the city to take advantage of its amenities, but far enough away for a peaceful and tranquil environment. It is definitely one of the best places to live in Kent.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Bishopstone, Herne Bay, Kent: £400,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Bishopstone, Herne Bay, Kent: £291,667

  • Terraced house for sale in Bishopstone, Herne Bay, Kent: £332,500

  • Detached house for sale in Bishopstone, Herne Bay, Kent: £560,000