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Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent

Biggin Hill is a small town located in the borough of Westerham, Kent. It is best known for its airfield which was used during World War II as a Royal Air Force Fighter Command base. The town is surrounded by stunning countryside and offers a variety of activities and attractions.

The town centre is full of independent shops, cafes, restaurants, and pubs. There is a local museum and library, as well as a leisure centre with a swimming pool. Nearby are two golf courses, and the area is known for its excellent walking and cycling paths.

The town has excellent transport links to London and other towns and cities across the UK, making it a great place to live. Biggin Hill also has some of the best schools in the region, making it perfect for families.

For those looking for a peaceful, rural lifestyle, Biggin Hill is an excellent option. Nearby are the picturesque villages of Tatsfield and Brasted, both of which offer great places to live.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent: £525,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent: £265,000

  • Detached house for sale in Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent: £675,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent: £400,000