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Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Bidborough is a village located in the Tunbridge Wells district of Kent. It's a great place to live as there is a lot of space and greenery, as well as easy access to the nearby town. There are many picturesque walks through the village, and plenty of beautiful local wildlife. The village has a historic church, which dates back to the 12th century, and a traditional village pub. Bidborough is also home to a primary school, which serves the local community. There are plenty of shops, restaurants and pubs in the nearby town, so you can always find something to do. There is also a golf club and a cricket club in the village, as well as a number of other sporting facilities. Overall, Bidborough is a great place to live and is an ideal base for exploring the surrounding area.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent: £725,000