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Bapchild, Sittingbourne, Kent

Bapchild is a small village in Sittingbourne, Kent. It is a peaceful, friendly community surrounded by rolling hills and peaceful countryside. The village has a good selection of amenities including a post office, a church, a pub, a village green and a range of shops. Bapchild has great transport links to London, Canterbury and Maidstone, making it an ideal location for commuters.

The village is renowned for its beautiful views, with rolling hills and lush green meadows. It is also home to some of the best schools in the area, making it an attractive place for families to settle. With its quiet streets and stunning scenery, Bapchild is a great place to live. It’s also close to some of the region’s best attractions, including Leeds Castle, Ightham Mote and the historic market town of Faversham.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Bapchild, Sittingbourne, Kent: £375,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Bapchild, Sittingbourne, Kent: £425,000