All estate agents in South West Scotland
- AB Properties Lanark
- AVJ Homes Glasgow
- Arran Estate Agents Brodick
- Auction House Scotland - Aberdeen
- Austin Beck Estate Agents Glasgow
- Bellus Property Glasgow
- CCL Property Ltd Elgin
- Coast Estate Agents Irvine
- Galbraith Group Ayr
- Galbraith Group Stirling
- Glow Homes Dalry
- Hames Estates Kilmacolm
- Harvey Longsons Holiday Homes
- Home Connexions East Kilbride Sales
- Homelink Independent Coat Bridge
- Igloo Estate Agents Hamilton
- MOV8 Real Estate Edinburgh
- Martin & Co Ayr
- McEwan Fraser Legal Solicitors & Estate Agents Edinburgh
- Move 2 Saltcoats
- Property Solvers London
- Rathods Property Centre Leicester
- Springbok Properties Nationwide
- Stewart Residential East Ayrshire
- Strike Ltd Nationwide
- The Property Store East Kilbride Sales
- The Property Store Cumbernauld Sales
- Vanilla Square Glasgow